
Hybrid Salon Series 43: Modular: Claiming Typographic Trancestors in the Archive
with sair goetz
Modular letter systems of the Archive through the lens of transgender liberation.
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Modular type systems are the cult classic of the typography and lettering worlds. This lecture hopes to introduce you to an approach to forming letters that you may have never known you wanted.
Join Collections Programming Manager and time-based artist, sair goetz, for a playful dive into modular type. They will explore the strategies of metal modular typefaces, share a survey of contemporary approaches to modularity, and touch on the challenges of modular systems in digital media.
goetz will also show examples of several modular type systems in use as a metaphor for transgender, non-binary gender diversity.
sair goetz
sair goetz, Collections Programming Manager (they/them), received their MFA from Ohio State University and the Dedalus Foundation Award in 2017 and their BA in Visual and Media Studies, Arts of the Moving Image, and Documentary Studies from Duke University in 2011. In their personal art practice, sair uses text, performance, video, sticky-notes, and humor to develop queer speculative fictions. They eat lemons like apples and savor the fact that LMN is at the center of the latin alphabet. sair manages the Archive’s online programming, including virtual tours and salons, as well as our docent program.