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Be our Valentine

In-Person Tours

Members Only: Love Lettering

with Laura Tjho, Christina Newhard

Can Letterform Archive be your Valentine? Join us for a collections tabletop tour celebrating love in all its forms.

  • Date
  • Time
  • Where Onsite at Letterform Archive

Delight in a selection of posters, calligraphy, concrete poetry, ephemera, and more on the theme of love and relationships, curated by Letterform Archive docents Laura Tjho and Christina Newhard.

Tabletop tours are 90-minute presentations that take place around a large table in our reading room. During the tour, we spend 60–75 minutes talking about each object on the table one by one, then allow 15–30 minutes at the end for guests to take a closer look and ask questions.

Registration is limited to give everyone space around the table and the opportunity to interact with the materials. Sign up today to reserve your spot! To register, login to your account and click on Member Benefits to find the Eventbrite link.

Not yet a member? Don’t fret – there‘s still time to be part of the excitement. Sign up today and secure your spot at this exclusive event.

Laura Tjho

Laura Tjho (she/her) is a designer and illustrator. Since elementary school she took great pleasure in making sure her class notes look neat and beautiful. After graduating from design school at Carnegie Mellon, she reawakened that desire to make pretty letterforms and spent most of her free time lettering and practicing calligraphy. She had several tech start-up gigs before landing a sweet job at Levi’s San Francisco. She is currently exploring Hanzi letterforms and curious how that will influence her other work. Her latest hobby is making cute stickers because she believes we need more stationary.

Christina Newhard

Christina Newhard (she/her) is designer, writer, publisher, and full-time servant to her cat, Princess Genghis. She earned her BFA from the University of Florida in 1996, and has been a designer and type nerd ever since. Her past clients include the Smithsonian Institute, The “me too.” Movement, Penguin Random House, the New Press, Democracy for the Arab World Now, and NYU. In 2012, she founded Sari-Sari Storybooks, a press devoted to Filipino picture books, and has published five titles in underrepresented Philippine languages. Christina hails from Manila, Florida, New York City, and Oakland, in that order. She is most at home in a city by the water.

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