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Online Lecture

Elementype, a practical guide to typographic use.

  • Date
  • Time
  • Lead By Sandra García, Dafne Martínez, Mónica Munguía
  • Where

This talk is about a nerd dream and a book.

As typeface designers, but primarily users of type, we know that at different levels it is often complex to understand where to look for quality fonts, how to select type for specific projects, and how use it and make the most of it. You have to delve into typography.

That is why Tipastype was born from the premise of education as a means to enhance the end user. We help them understand typography as the powerful tool it is and how to give it the tangible and economic value that it entails.

We implemented an educational strategy that includes: social networking, face-to-face and virtual talks, conferences, and workshops.

These efforts naturally led to a printed publication Elementype, a practical guide to typographic use, where we address basic issues on how to take advantage of typography. It is a quick and efficient reference book, which facilitates the learning of complex content, through agile and clear graphics and short but deep texts.

We are clear that typography should not be complicated to understand and put to practical use. The idea is to democratize knowledge about typography to have better and more demanding users.